With both of our daughters and all the grandkids, we piled into two cars and set off to newer Pete’s Place in Krebs, Ok. We had a large private room. Except for my husband and brother, we all ate the Italian dinner consisting of spaghetti, meatballs, ravioli, salad, homemade cheese, peppers and garlic bread. We all enjoyed our meals and ate way too much food! They sent us out with tons of leftovers!
Then my brother suggested that we go to Lovera’s that is an Italian grocery store. We bought homemade spaghetti sauce, Italian chocolate and stuffed olives. If we weren’t so full, I am sure we would have stocked up with other scrumptious items.
Next on our list was a drive to the Porter Peach Festival. We had already driven 1 hour and 45 minutes to Krebs, why not an hour to an event that we have never attended. We have always heard of the Peach Festival, so we were super excited to go! Everyone of us had visions of peaches everywhere! When we got there, it was completely different than we expected. There were booths with crafts and locals promoting their businesses, but where were the PEACHES! There were turkey legs and funnel cakes, but no PEACHES. One thing we were all craving was peach ice cream after our lunch in Krebs. The closest thing that we had to that was store bought vanilla ice cream with canned peaches on top. You could imagine what a disappointment that was! After strolling around for a bit, we decided to call it a day and head home.
Okay as they say, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” Our new spin on it. When you don’t get peach ice cream, you go the store and buy Porter peaches, an ice cream maker and do it yourself! And that is what this determined family did! My hubby was bent on doing it the old fashion way with the ice and rock salt. Thank goodness, he didn’t get the old crank ones. Yummy ice cream, but killer on your arms! I got an awesome peach recipe, and we did it ourselves! The grandkids were beyond excited. It was like a science experiment, explaining why rock salt lowers the freezing temperature. Okay, not going to bore you. But the kids loved it and they got to help with our endeavor! We got all of our ingredients in and we had a thirty minute wait. During the wait, the kids swam in the pool! And there it was after thirty minutes, PEACH ICE CREAM! It was soooooo yummy!
So worth it, even with a brain-Freeze for Tatum!
The Porter, Oklahoma trip was not a bomb. It was a springboard! A lesson in trying new things and when you don’t get the results you want, go at it at a different angle! For the grandkids, it is what ice cream can we make next time? For us, what adventure are we on to next?
Peach Ice Cream Recipe
2 1/2 pounds of fresh peaches- peel, take pits out and chop 1/2 C sugar
1/4 salt
1 pint half and half cream
1 (14 ounce) can of sweetened condensed milk 1 (12 ounce) can evaporated milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 C whole milk
Puree peaches with sugar and half and half.
Pour in the peaches, sweetened condensed milk, evaporated milk, whole milk and vanilla into ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers directions.